“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” – Mother Teresa
My name is Sherman Hunter. I formed SDK Hunter Consulting Group as a tool to help me to connect with business owners and entrepreneurs who will relate to my personal business strategy.
My goal is to freely share my personal business philosophy and strategy with entrepreneurs who will relate to it. In my way of thinking, this strategy provides great potential, but only if it meshes well with your personal philosophy, values and principles.
After graduate school, I spent 10+ years in engineering. I truly loved engineering! However, during that period of time, I also developed a very strong interest and curiosity about business and marketing.
In time, I met an extremely successful entrepreneur whose business strategies totally fascinated me. Then after having studied and applied his various strategies for about a year, I decided to leave engineering for the world of business. My mentor and I began a 14 year partnership during which he coached and guided me to a much deeper understanding of his business methodology. In return, I applied my consulting and computer skills to assist him in managing several of his other companies.
As a result of this lengthy relationship, I had the rare opportunity to observe daily how a business “genius” created and acquired businesses. The longer that I observed him, the more I learned from him. During those years, I met many very successful entrepreneurs but also many others who never quite made it. These powerful and personal interactions taught me a great deal about myself, success, dreams, relationships, determination and also failures. Out of this, my personal strategies were formed.
Because of these many struggles I witnessed, I began to design and develop software systems that produce pivotal data as catalysts for collaboration among business owners and entrepreneurs.
I use this blog as an “open door” through which I freely share valuable experiences, insights, teachings, concepts, strategies etc. with my clients, associates, acquaintances and business contacts.
This is my personal decision to openly share what I have learned as my way to “pay it forward” to anyone who will also find value and useful content within my materials.
Over the years, I have worn many hats and have walked in many shoes. I’ve enjoyed successes and suffered failures. And along the way, I collected many very deep and powerful truths to share with you that directly apply to the success of entrepreneurs.
If you receive value from my materials, please “pay it forward” by sharing my messages with others.