Are You Still Trying To Be Someone Who You May Already Be?
Without a doubt, entrepreneurs can sometimes seem to be a really strange breed.
They are usually considered strange or different mainly because they actually are. That is not a bad thing really. The world needs entrepreneurs and always has needed them.
So if you are not absolutely certain that you are one or if you wish that you could become one, this article may help you to uncover some of the answers for you.
Do you see yourself in any of the following descriptions?
Entrepreneurs truly do come with many different personalities, sizes, and shapes – so it is difficult to point to a particular type of entrepreneur and expect most of them to fit that “mold”. However, there are a few telltale signs or characteristics that most entrepreneurs will display if you watch them closely. So, here are some observations to use as you consider your behavior and the behavior of others who you suspect may have already been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug.
You are very aware of what kinds of tasks you are not good at doing and you naturally look for ways to have them done by others. In other words, you tend to want to “delegate” tasks if you know that you are not effective in doing them yourself.
As far back as you can remember, you have always solved problems differently than those around you. That is, you are somewhat of a natural “outside the box” thinker.
You tend to “jump” all over a problem that you believe can be solved. Once you focus, you are relentless about it. To your detriment, sometimes you will personally begin to solve problems that have already been solved but you didn’t wait to check that out. You are not afraid to attack a problem head-on.
You appreciate having a structure in your life, but you also are quite willing to “bend the rules” every so often for the sake of making progress. Getting to your goal will occasionally become more important to you than how you go about it.
From an early age, you showed signs of not enjoying being guided around and told what to do or especially how to do it. You usually felt that you had a better way to get things done. You may have even noticed that your close family members tended to have a similar mindset, so you grew up believing that your attitude was normal.
You often will seek guidance from the words of your business heroes as a way to keep your mind focusing in the proper direction.
You would rather just work from home than to waste precious time traveling to the office just to do what you could have already finished doing if you had stayed at home.
It is normal for you to challenge people to better understand why they do certain things. It is natural and normal for you to see better ways to do things. You ask a lot of questions about almost everything around you.
There are times when you are unrealistic, determined, and strongly opinionated about your personal ideas. These personality traits make some interactions with others difficult, but for you – these conflicts have become normal. Your strong opinions are necessary to push you forward and others will most often see you as being unrealistic simply because they don’t have your vision.
You are uncomfortable when you are not in control of your surroundings. You would rather have the power to make decisions than to have to “look over your shoulder” and worry about whether you are still satisfying the whims of someone else.
Given a choice, first thing in the morning you would rather head toward your computer or your home work area in your pajamas or a sweatshirt and get started than spend a lot of time laying out and coordinating your wardrobe for the day.
To you, a “good day off” is not only a day without having to work, but it can also be a day when you get a lot of work done without any disruptions or interference.
You strongly believe that your time is worth much more money than you are paid, so this makes you very protective of your free time.
Competition doesn’t scare you. You don’t fear the challenges waged at you by others. Instead, you fear not moving forward and pushing to complete the goals you have set and the accomplishments that you can make.
Without even trying to make it happen, you find that people are oftentimes attracted to you. Somehow you are able to relate to a large cross-section of personality types and as a result, you are often pulled into the middle of consultations and discussions by friends and associates.
You find it difficult to become totally comfortable with “office politics”. If you could, you would avoid it at all costs because you hate it just that much.
Your “no-nonsense” approach tends to keep you at risk of being fired at any moment or to find yourself at odds with people around you. You know that you have to “bend” sometimes, but you firmly refuse to “break”.
As a general rule, you are full of self-confidence and that is certainly a good thing for entrepreneurs. It is not wasted on you because there will be many occasions where your confidence will be the main reason why people follow your lead. Remember, having a confident attitude can become one of your most important assets.
Although not everybody understands you, there are some close friends, relatives, or associates who truly do “get” you. You can feel their support and are confident that in difficult times, they will be there to encourage and support you.
The main question for you to answer now is: “Do you still feel that you are an entrepreneur and are you willing to continue to follow this path”? If so, you should remain who you really are. It is easier and more productive for you to do that than to attempt to transform yourself into some person you were never meant to be.
This article was written by SDK Hunter Consulting Group
About The Author:
Sherman Hunter and SDK Hunter Consulting Group staff consultants provide global moneymaking opportunities and proprietary strategies that quickly accelerate business activity. You may familiarize yourself with these unique concepts by visiting the SDK Hunter Consulting Group blog located at: https://sdkhunter.com
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