Finding The Very Best Employees Require A Plan!
Once the core values and principles of your business have been established, it is vital that they are followed by each and every employee. If this does not happen or is left to a “hit or miss” approach, then disaster awaits your organization.
This is especially true when you are adding new employees or even partners to the mix. If your company has been doing well financially and your company’s outlook is bright, this is the time to be extra careful when selecting and adding new employees. If the employee chemistry within your office areas begins to drift in a negative direction, there could quickly be major troubles on your horizon.
For example, it is important to undertake the hiring process with a clear vision of what you are attempting to accomplish. If there are gaps within your operations that need to be filled, focus upon those as a key part of the hiring process, and don’t allow yourself to become sidetracked by a potential prospect’s personal qualities, even though useful, if they are not in line with your hiring plans.
You must remain objective in your efforts because at the end of the process if you have not accomplished the critical goals and objectives that you need, you will have failed or at best will be faced with having to continue the hiring process even though you may have just hired an excellent (but not fully needed) employee.
Many factors will come into play when you are adding new employees into a business environment that is already well-established and successful. So, consider the following thoughts to help guide your thinking as you proceed in the hiring process:
How can you test and verify that the new employees have the proper level of self-motivation to “mesh” with your current staff?
Will there be unnecessary friction between the current employees and the “new” person if he is not able to keep up with the group?
Has the new employee experienced activity at the level of your current operations?
Are you sure that he can handle the stress involved, especially when added to the natural stress of adjusting to the new position?
What questions and insights can you use or gather from the interview process that will assure you that this particular new employee is as motivated as your current staff or perhaps more so?
Your overall objectives still have to be a major goal to be sure to accomplish with any new hire, so it is important to not lose focus on that fact.
Take time to ask yourself if your potential employee is capable of keeping pace in all of the critical areas of his new position. In fact, it would help to know that the new employees have a similar skill set to your current employees. If his skill set is different, be sure that this difference is part of your major objectives that have been decided as part of the hiring objectives. If you are seeking to diversify your team’s available skill sets by adding this particular employee, then realizing and being able to bring notice to this fact is a positive occurrence during the interview process.
Have you determined that the new employee has similar values to those of your team, especially the key members of your team?
Another important consideration during the hiring process is to obtain a clear gauge of the new employee’s character and personal values. Such focus will pay dividends when considering how intense some personal interactions between team members can become during stressful work periods and heavy workloads. Personal values are important to understand among your employee groups because there can be conflicts that develop simply because some employees will place a higher value upon personal commitments or family concerns while other employees, under similar circumstances, would choose to consider work achievements to be the more important.
Be sensitive to as many indicators as possible because even very perfectly matched employees can develop conflicts within the work environment if they are differently motivated or if their value systems are not in close alignment.
One safeguard that should be used is to recruit other key members of your organization to participate in the hiring and interview process. This approach gives you a greater opportunity to receive a diversified mix of thoughts, ideas, impressions, and conclusions about the potential employee before the final decision is made.
This article was written by SDK Hunter Consulting Group
About The Author:
Sherman Hunter and SDK Hunter Consulting Group staff consultants provide global moneymaking opportunities and proprietary strategies that quickly accelerate business activity. You may familiarize yourself with these unique concepts by visiting the SDK Hunter Consulting Group blog located at:
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