Does it really ALWAYS TAKE "MONEY" to make money?
Most people believe that statement to be true. Without any question, there are many instances when that statement is applicable, but not always. So, let’s consider how you can make very meaningful progress, even when you don’t have as much money as you would like.
Let’s suppose that you would like to have your own product to market. Your available capital is limited and you are not an “inventor” type, but you are a good organizer. You are good at researching information and building relationships. Given that, what can you do to gain your own product?
Well, there are several things that can be done, but the most direct approach would be to use your research skills and a few easy collaboration skills to basically “find a need and fill it”. To be exact, locate a business owner who has a strong need for your skills and assist him while obtaining a solution for your needs as well.
At any given time, there are many creative individuals who have started business projects but are having difficulties succeeding. There are usually many different reasons for their difficulties and each situation is unique into itself.
Sometimes the problem is simply inadequate cash flow, but the problem could be a lack of a proper business plan, poor organizational skills, incomplete marketing efforts, incorrect product pricing, not enough skill in certain areas, etc. Often a really good product might only need to have the operation “tweaked” just a bit to be placed back on the track toward success.
If you can correctly identify what problems are preventing this business from progressing and also identify their solutions, you will be in an excellent position to create a “win-win” opportunity for yourself and the business owner.
This process is much easier than it might appear at first thought. But, you must remember that each person who begins a business venture does not succeed. If you could talk to each one of them who failed, there would be many similar stories, yet each of them had solutions that were never implemented. Because these “failed” business owners never really knew or never fully implemented their best solution for their particular situations, they each failed.
One of the most direct and rewarding activities for serious entrepreneurs is to identify businesses that are “distressed” and provide them with solutions.
If you have any interest in learning these techniques in a stress-free manner, then you should connect with our Collaboration Group. You will be shown how to use these techniques and others to acquire exclusive ownership rights to products and/or services. It is possible to do this on a consistent and often “no investment” basis.
Just ask us about the possibilities! Consultation is free when you become a member of SDK Collaboration Group.
This article was written by SDK Hunter Consulting Group
About The Author:
Sherman Hunter and SDK Hunter Consulting Group staff consultants provide global moneymaking opportunities and proprietary strategies that quickly accelerate business activity. You may familiarize yourself with these unique concepts by visiting the SDK Hunter Consulting Group blog located at: https://sdkhunter.com
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