
Your Team’s Stated Function Should Control Its Formation

“The Structure Of Your Team Should Be Determined By Its Function” No part of your business can be considered insignificant. This statement is especially true when it comes to defining the formation of your project teams.  The key to proper formation is controlled by the critical functioning that will be required of the team itself. […]

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Cornucopia Strategy Benefits for Passive Members

Enjoy All of These Benefits As a FREE Cornucopia Strategy Member! Protect your privacy while seeking prospective associates. Cornucopia Strategy allows you to promote your business without revealing your personal information. This can be a major benefit for entrepreneurs who are concerned about protecting their privacy and/or are not yet well established in the business world.

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What A Pair Of Sneakers Taught Me About Finance, Marketing And Life

Important Life Lessons Are Not Always Announced In Advance, Often They Will “Sneak” Up On You! It is not possible to know when you are about to be taught an important lesson.  You seldom see those types of lessons in advance, but you are usually able to look back on them for the rest of

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How To Succeed From What You Don’t Know Or Can’t Do

Most people will tell you that the more knowledge you have, the more power you also have. In other words, they are repeating the very well-known phrase – “Knowledge Is Power”! I believe that it is good to have knowledge especially when it comes to the world of business and entrepreneurship.  Usually, the more knowledge

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Why Many People Are Suddenly Delaying Their Retirement

Are You Completely Relaxed, Confident And At Peace About Finances And All Of Your Future Retirement Plans? More and more increasingly,  Baby Boomers are having to delay their retirement.  Their decision affects an important period of their lives. Gone are the days when people could retire at 60 or 65 even! This is happening for

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Key Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs

Important Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs That Are Worth Considering It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to develop and maintain a good marketing campaign.  This is especially true for a campaign that resonates fully with your intended audience. If you are a strategic thinker, you realize that the development of marketing strategies is

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If You Are In A Rut, Then Be Afraid – Very Afraid!

Being In A Rut Of Any Kind Can Become  A Very Serious Situation Because Of The Following Important Facts! When I initially entered the world of business and entrepreneurship, I had voluntarily stepped out of a situation where I had tremendous control over nearly all aspects of my daily routines and activities. As an engineer,

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