Insights & Viewpoints

Personal And Financial Independence – What Does It All Mean?

What Will It Take For You To Finally Have  More Peace Of Mind? Everybody has their personal definition of what these terms mean, but to maximize the progress that can be made when working as a group or as a team, the words used and the goals expressed should be very well-defined.  So, here is […]

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What Is Your Definition Of Personal And Financial Independence?

What Is “Personal And Financial” Independence? Learn Much More As An “Active” Member Of Our Program! What does it really mean to have personal and financial independence?   The answer usually depends upon the person to whom you ask the question.  Everybody has their own ideas of what those words really mean to them. Here are

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Why Is Collaboration Important To Your Success?

Why Are You Still Trying To Do Everything All By Yourself? Whether you are attempting to start a business from an idea or expanding a business that has been in existence for several years, collaboration will always provide you with benefits.  In this article, I would like to focus on early-stage start-ups and the importance

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SDK Collaboration FAQ/Sign Up Form

What Exactly is the SDK Collaborator Group? It is a special SDK membership composed of readers and “ACTIVE” subscribers of the SDK Consulting Group business blog. This membership has been created to assist one of our private clients to “beta-test” special software that we believe will greatly accelerate the progress of entrepreneurs and business professionals.

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Are You Still As “Teachable” As a Young Child?

To Succeed As An Entrepreneur, What Is The Single Most Important Personality Trait That You Should Always Possess? We all begin our lives knowing absolutely nothing.  As young children, we found so much joy and excitement in discovering all that life had to offer.  But, as the years accumulate and our knowledge grows, very often

Are You Still As “Teachable” As a Young Child? Read More »

What Do You Think About Partnerships? Are They Good or Bad?

The Handshake Is Just The Beginning. What Happens Next Is Really The Key! After spending a lot of years inside and outside of various partnerships, the only response to this question that I would consider to be valid would be simply, “It all depends!” Of course, when the response is given the natural next question

What Do You Think About Partnerships? Are They Good or Bad? Read More »

“Momma, Get A Hammer – There’s A Fly On Poppa’s Head!”

“Momma, Get A Hammer – There’s A Fly On Poppa’s Head!” Making Easy Problems Into Difficult Ones Have you known people who have a natural tendency to turn simple problems into the biggest ones? Well, I have and it is sometimes quite funny, but not always. For example, consider this situation that happened a few

“Momma, Get A Hammer – There’s A Fly On Poppa’s Head!” Read More »

Moving From Introvert to Successful Marketer Without Cold Calling Or Small Talk

DOES THIS EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? You reach for the phone, dial the number and hang up after the first ring. Your script is ready, but actually reading it over the phone is enough to make you quit before you even begin. You are talented, and you have a great product or service, but how

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Why Can’t I Become Successful Just By Doing Exactly What You Did?

“I Followed Your Instructions, But They Didn’t Work For Me!” For a number of years, I heard that statement over and over again.  And strangely enough, most of the times I heard it, I was the person asking the question.  I have to admit that I was very slow to realize a few clearly obvious

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Are You The Missing Piece To A Profitable Business? (Part 3 of 5)

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Catalyst?  If so, You Are Very Special! The word “catalyst” is not often used when discussing entrepreneurship but to my way of thinking it really should be.  Except for time spent in your chemistry classes unless you are a researcher, I would be surprised if you

Are You The Missing Piece To A Profitable Business? (Part 3 of 5) Read More »

Using What You Have – To Get What You Want

Does it really ALWAYS TAKE “MONEY” to make money? Most people believe that statement to be true.  Without any question, there are many instances when that statement is applicable, but not always.  So, let’s consider how you can make very meaningful progress, even when you don’t have as much money as you would like.

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