
Moving From Introvert to Successful Marketer Without Cold Calling Or Small Talk

DOES THIS EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? You reach for the phone, dial the number and hang up after the first ring. Your script is ready, but actually reading it over the phone is enough to make you quit before you even begin. You are talented, and you have a great product or service, but how

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Using What You Have – To Get What You Want

Does it really ALWAYS TAKE “MONEY” to make money? Most people believe that statement to be true.  Without any question, there are many instances when that statement is applicable, but not always.  So, let’s consider how you can make very meaningful progress, even when you don’t have as much money as you would like.

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Have You Ever Asked Yourself, “Do I Have An Entrepreneur’s Personality?”

What Exactly Is An Entrepreneur’s Personality?  What Would I Have To Do To Get One? As a young struggling entrepreneur, those were questions that certainly popped into my head many times early in my career. But, because of the open generosity  and sharing nature of my mentor, I was able to discover my own personal

Have You Ever Asked Yourself, “Do I Have An Entrepreneur’s Personality?” Read More »

Key Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs

Important Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs That Are Worth Considering It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to develop and maintain a good marketing campaign.  This is especially true for a campaign that resonates fully with your intended audience. If you are a strategic thinker, you realize that the development of marketing strategies is

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